
Overcoming Creative Block and Becoming Inspired to Work


The point I want to write about today is the point of Inspiration. The reason I want to write about this is because I find there is allot of misconceptions about inspiration. I often hear people talking about “waiting for inspiration” or “the don’t feel very inspired” and so because of this they end up not moving themselves. Or not doing something that they in fact would really like to do.

I discovered early on that inspiration is cool, it is a powerful force, though there is another force that is even more powerful than inspiration – YOU!

I do not require inspiration or motivation to work because I am the one who decides if I am going to work or not.

Its quite cool because many days I have no inspiration, and other days I do. Yet I work all the same.

Now through the years, I have refined this application and yes, it is still a work in progress where some days I get trapped by that whole ‘inspiration excuse’ where I just really really really don’t feel like working. And so I still have work to do to really take back my power so to speak.

I find this word ‘inspiration’ is often attached to creative work, and artists.

And then there is the whole concept of ‘writers block’ or ‘creative block’. But I have found for myself that this is no different than simply not wanting to do something. I have been grateful to have adjusted my approach to creating art to where I now align my application to PRINCIPLE not Inspiration, or if I feel like it or not.

I have created allot of my best art when I didn’t really feel like getting up and going to work, but I did, and I pushed through the resistance and got myself moving and then suddenly things weren’t all that bad and even often after I walk through that initial “feeling uninspired” and just got myself moving and working on what ever piece of art I had going for that day, that suddenly I was inspired.


In a way, I see that one has to become inspiration for themselves. Where one must create their own inspiration and not wait for it.

Yes, it might be tough, you might not feel like it, it might be uncomfortable, but its worth it!

So my suggestion when facing a creative block is to firstly realize that it could just be “you just don’t feel like doing anything” and that is not really creative block, that is just the plight of the human being who has become more inclined to instant gratification than disciplined self movement.

So my suggestion when facing creative block or facing that experience when you just don’t have inspiration, is to take a breath, gather yourself here, and remember that there is a force more powerful than inspiration – and that force is you and sometimes you just have to force yourself into movement, into action. Its normal, its natural, so dare to move and dare to improve . It’s a challenge, but why else are we here on planet earth. And this suggestion can be for anything, for something artistic, something business related, maybe you notice your environment is getting a little messy and you have been wanting to clean up. Perhaps we have given too much of our power away to this interesting thing called Inspiration. Now its time to realize that we must be the power that moves us through our lives. Inspiration is like luck, it may or may not play a part, so we must base our Living Expression and Actions on something more predictable and Stable, and that is US, our own SELF Movement and SELF Motivation and SELF Inspiration.

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