
Portrait of a Mountain


When I go out to paint, I will at times have specific things that I am going to work on. With this painting, the word that was prominent within me as I headed out to paint was the word “Portrait”. I wanted to create a portrait of a mountain. for me, I didn’t want to just go out and paint some general mountain scene. The more I have been going out to paint here in Whistler BC, the more I have noticed an inclination within me to document specific areas or scenes around the area. Actually this inclination, if I trace it back, came from a visit to the new museum that was build here in Whistler called the Audain Art Museum , particularly the EJ Hughes gallery. I was inspired by Hughes’ attention to detail and specificity in capturing all the details so quintessential to the area that he was painting. Since then, I have been practicing this into my own work. So when I went out to create this particular work, my aim was to paint a portrait, something specific, something unique, not just some general mountain. Now I wasn’t exactly sure how I would do this, but it is what I aimed to do. As a result, I noticed I payed closer attention to the peaks on the mountain as well as the way the ski runs gave this mountain its unique characteristics. The above painting is a depiction of  Whistler Mountain as seen from the north end of whistler.

Definitely will be doing more “portraits of the landscape” as I develop my plein air painting series.



For purchase details e-mail  – andrewgable@hotmail.com
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