30 Days of Art Challenge

I have been contemplating doing this now for a while where i challenge myself to a walk a 30 days of art process where i publish something NEW i have created that day
to my social media. Initially i thought this would be a great way to share more of my art, art process, and Myself, as well as pushing myself to create new art each day. This is a quick sketch i did of my partner as we were in a cafe enjoying an afternoon coffee. For Christmas this year I asked for a small sketchbook that I could carry around in my pocket, so here is the first time I cracked it open!
Today i worked on my orca painting. I had painted in some water ripples the previous day but wanted to restructure the flow of the ripples at the top of the painting. I had painted in 4 ripples initially but thought 3 would be better to slow the feel of the painting down a bit. So worked on that today.

Day #3
For todays Art Share, i pulled a tarot card as a jumping off point and pulled the word “Conditioning” which showed a Lion surrounded by and covered in sheep. From there i observed how sometimes “conditioning” for me is like being covered and surrounded within and without by strings of memories, thoughts, pictures, emotions where you kind of have to start with one of those strings and begin untangling all the threads by just taking one point and walking it into understanding.

Day #4
Here i show some raw video of me applying a wash layer of green to the foreground of my painting. I would eventually take this further into the piece to create the affect that the Orca is submerged into his environment. As i get to know acrylics more i have naturally gravitated to using washes as a method to build the painting. Something that i never really did with oils.
Day #5
Well, there is a lot that goes into the creative process these days. Especially with social media. After about 3 hours of trying to get this short video clip up tonight i finally gave up after the program crashed without saving my progress. Dang! But Tomorrow is a new day so here is my art challenge post for tonight. The screenshot of me working on the video!
Day #6
In this video I am working on “Home” an Original Acrylic Painting – See the Finished Piece HERE
Day #7
For tonight I decided to do another drawing for my post. These types of drawings I mostly do from imagination. Once I get the main pose figured out I will then go and find different reference photos to specify particular parts, though for the most part, I like the process of just keeping it lose and more free flowing for these drawings.

Day #8
I decided to continue with the graphite drawings again today, this time doing a composition with multiple figures.