

Original Plein Air
Oil on Canvas
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Sometimes the most difficult thing about Plein Air painting is leaving the house in the morning. The mind has the tendency to project “how it will be” thinking “i don’t know where to paint” or “I’m just not into it today” Today was similar to this initially. I had to turn around after i left because i forgot my bag. Then when i finally found a spot. Both my wing nuts had fallen off my Easel as i pulled it through the trees to my eventual spot. So i had to sit my easel on the ground to paint. Then just as i began, i realized i forgot my brushes. Luckily i had some old brushes i don’t normally use tucked away in my bag. This was actually cool because now i am using different brushes than i normally do which actually breathed something New into my usual routine. When all was said and done I ended up with this painting of the Chief. Every painting i do has a story and unique personal experience that goes with it!

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