Title: Snow Moon Animal: Polar Bear Stone: Italian Alabaster Dimensions: 15H x 33L x 9W inch Weight: 145LB.
purchase Inquiries at: andrewgable@hotmail.com
@andrewgableart PART 1 – Follow the process as I carve a Polar Bear from a 500LB Block of Italian Alabaster. #stonesculpture #carving #stoneart #contemporarysculpture #polarbearsculpture #artbizz ♬ no tears left to cry – Ariana Grande
PART 1 – Follow the process as I carve a Polar Bear from a 500LB Block of Italian Alabaster. #stonesculpture #carving #stoneart #contemporarysculpture #polarbearsculpture #artbizz
♬ no tears left to cry – Ariana Grande